Hi, I have a spreadsheet with 400 rows and the following data field in one of the columns:

Christopher Johnson, Town Council President; George Bitzas, Town Councilor; Joseph Mineo, Town Councilor; Cecilia Calabrese, Town Councilor; Paul Cavallo, Town Councilor; James Cichetti, Town Councilor; Robert Rossi, Town Councillor; Gina Letellier, Town Councilor; Dennis Perry, Town Councilor; Donald Rheault, Town Councilor; Robert Magovern, Town Councilor; Anthony Suffriti, Town Councilor

The specific data will be different in each row, but that entire string is a single column data field. The titles will vary by row as well, but the formating on all of them is:

[first name] [last name], [title]; [first name] [last name], [title]; [first name] [last name], [title]; [first name] [last name], [title]

I need to alphabetize the names in these data fields based on [last name], and do that for all 400 hundred rows. Is there a function or tool that can automate this? Note that there are no middle names, so I just need a tool that will identify each of the last names and shuffle these strings: [first name] [last name], [title]; around in the row so that they will retain the same format but be reordered alphabetically.

I have no idea how to go about this so any solutions, even if they don't work perfectly are welcome, it's best to have to do some of it manually as opposed to all of it.

Thank you!