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Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!

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    Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!


    So this is what my cells look like but only in the hundreds of thousands of rows! So i need to scan the columns and see where there are numbers (release numbers). When I find the release numbers, i want them to be reported back (copy-pasted) into the 'Release' column. Now this is where this gets tricky! Ok once I get the release data into the release column, I need that heading of the column to be reported back to the 'Product'.

    For example:
    If i start scanning the first row. The MBG has a reportable 'Release' version. So this gets reported back to the 'Release' column and the heading of this column - 'MBG' in this case gets copied to the 'Product column'!!!

    Any ideas??
    Last edited by Shawez; 05-09-2012 at 02:27 PM.

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