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Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!

  1. #1
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    Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!


    So this is what my cells look like but only in the hundreds of thousands of rows! So i need to scan the columns and see where there are numbers (release numbers). When I find the release numbers, i want them to be reported back (copy-pasted) into the 'Release' column. Now this is where this gets tricky! Ok once I get the release data into the release column, I need that heading of the column to be reported back to the 'Product'.

    For example:
    If i start scanning the first row. The MBG has a reportable 'Release' version. So this gets reported back to the 'Release' column and the heading of this column - 'MBG' in this case gets copied to the 'Product column'!!!

    Any ideas??
    Last edited by Shawez; 05-09-2012 at 02:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor ron2k_1's Avatar
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    Re: Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!

    Will there be any instance where you'd have version numbers in more than one cell in the same row?
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  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor ron2k_1's Avatar
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    Re: Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!

    Here is the long way, assuming you don't have more columns that those you showed on your example, and that no more than 1 version number will appear per row:
    Enter on A2:
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    Enter on B2 (Sorry for the long formula, I'm not that good with arrays):
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  4. #4
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    Re: Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!

    Thank ron2k_1 but actually there are a ton of other columns than the ones i posted only theyre not really needed until later to identify who the client is. But the version number will be the only one per row!!

  5. #5
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    Re: Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!

    WOW i tweaked it a bit and it worked!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  6. #6
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    Re: Identify values in a specific column and list them on another column!! PLEASE HELP!

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