Hi all again. Here's the problem.1 formula is needed to create array of coefficients which is the result of:

1. Checking whose names in A and find these names in B1:G1.
2. Only for these names find the earliest dates which are greater than the date in H1 and display the coefficients for these dates.

With 2 for the case of 1 name (for example, John) i got great help here previously and the formula is
"Cool Formula"=INDEX($C$2:$C$4,MATCH(SMALL(IF($B$2:$B$4>H1,$B$2:$B$4),1),$B$2:$B$4,0),1).

That's it. if it's interesting what i thought of read below, if not, skip it:
I thought of Index function:
- for array - B1:G5
- for column numbers - match(A2:A3,B1:G1)+1 , so
- for row number - here the part of Cool formula MATCH(SMALL(IF($B$2:$B$4>H1,$B$2:$B$4),1),$B$2:$B$4,0) could define the raw, but it should be done not only for B2:B4 but for all right right columns (numbers of which could be taken from match(A2:A3,B1:G1). And at this stage i'm getting lost


1--Customer---John--------coef---------Inga ------coef---------Alice----------sum-------2/14/2012

Thanks in advance.