I'd like to keep a sort of "menu" of links in the first column of a spreadsheet of mine that is some 600+ rows long... it's my lip balm formula page that has all the measurements and calculations for my homemade lip balms that I sell. The links go to each "recipe" within the sheet, and I want to be able to click them from wherever I am in the sheet. The obvious choice would be to put them in the first row and freeze that, but a) there are too many links and b) the column widths are quite varied... also it's not nearly as "expandable" as doing a column would be--as I add new sections and link to them it's much easier and tidier to make a link in a new row in Column A than to make another cell in Row 1.
Currently my "menu" is taking up the top 4 rows, but as I expand and add more lip balm formulas, I have to either make my menu wider (not really a good option--horizontal scrolling is a nuisance) or add more rows... the problem with that is that the links don't adjust when I add a new row--all of the recipes are pushed down a row, so for example my "Just Gone Nuts" lip balm recipe was at A413 but when I added the new menu row it moved to A414... but the link to that recipe still goes to A413.... so each time I add a new row I have to update *all* the hyperlinks... yeauck!
But if I freeze the first column and put the links there, as I scroll down the page I scroll past my menu. Is there a way to "fix" a column so that it remains TRULY frozen? No scrolling in either direction? I suppose my kind of lame fall-back is to have a "back to top" link after each recipe section so that I can quickly get back to my menu...
(I hope that made sense)