I'm stuck. I'm trying to find the best approach to analyze a table of data. My table of data consists of data that includes:
  • two letter acronyms. For example, RB, FA, CU, etc.
  • the table of data is randomly generated
  • each column has a set column header (two digit number)
  • each row has a set row header (one digit number)

What I am trying to accomplish is a VBA or macro to scan the predefined table and to list EVERY column/row headers where each specific two letter acronym exists. I need the column/row header combined in a single cell (not cell column/row but the headers) for each showing in the table of data. Some two letter acronyms may show more than others. I'm attaching a sample file that I hope helps better explain what I am trying to do. I appreciate any help the community can offer.

Sample File.xlsx