When I copy your formulas into a cell in my sheet, the first one returns the value "99" and does not change when I add date values within the intended range. However, when I add FUTURE dates, it starts counting down from 99... not the desired functionality here.
The second formula gives a #value! error, which I can't debug.
In any case, I see two probable issues: one, I'm using $F:$F because my data fluctuates between 0 and 1000 values, but can exceed that number... in theory I could have hundreds of thousands of values, though if that ever happens someone else will be doing my job.
Secondly, I'm not sure what Sumproduct actually does. I'm using countif because I want to determine how many tasks there are, and I know CountIF counts cells with numeric values within the range specified (and I thought, based on conditions set for it.) I don't want it to SUM my dates within the range, I want it to count the number of cells containing date values.
Your 2. works great, thank you.
Your 3. Returns 0 no matter what values I put in the cells. I changed weekday(today())=5, so that it would accurately reflect the conditions of today (actual) for testing purposes, rather than the intended use of the formula (which would detect Mondays and count incoming tasks since Friday)