I have a problem with a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is a call log that keeps track of inbound/outbound calls per employee. I'm trying to keep a general calls tab that shows a monthly inbound/outbound calls summary per employee. The perimeters for the formula are: employee's last name, inbound/outbound, date range to show monthly results. The formula will return one value for an employee, but when I go to the tab and actually count, I get a different number. Any thoughts on why the countifs formula would be returning different numbers than what is actually listed?

=COUNTIFS('Call Summary'!$C:$C,$A2,'Call Summary'!$H:$H,"inbound",'Call Summary'!$G:$G,"<="&DATE(2012,1,31),'Call Summary'!$G:$G,">="&DATE(2012,1,1))