Dear all,
I have these requirement and wish someone guides me

I want to open a set of xls files (Under Test folder of D drive) with multiple worksheets each (not uniform).
I want to check all the worksheets and find the text "Results" and get its row details (eg...B,C....) .
And check the complete Row selected whether there is an text NG /Ng.
If NG exists have to get the count of NG and write the FileName/SheetName/NG count in cell B, C,D.

So my image
A_test.xls (Has 3 sheets and "Results" are written in B5 in first sheet, D4 in second sheet, E5 in third sheet)
Sheet 1: No Ng....So in Results.xls B1,C1,D1 will be A_test.xls ; Sheet1 ; 0
Sheet 2: Ng 5.... So in Results.xls B2,C2,D2 will be A_test.xls ; Sheet2 ;5
Sheet 3: No Ng....So in Results.xls B3,C3,D3 will be A_test.xls ; Sheet3 ; 0

B_test.xls (Has 2 sheets and "Results" are written in C5 in first sheet, D4 in second sheet)
Sheet 1: Ng 2....So in Results.xls B24,C4,D4 will be B_test.xls ; Sheet1 ; 2

Can somebody help as I now do manually and want to create macro!! Sorry for being a newcomer