I have columns that tells me which courses specific people have passed.
I would like this information to result in a matrix for better overview.
Please have a look at the attached file.
Br Bertrand
I have columns that tells me which courses specific people have passed.
I would like this information to result in a matrix for better overview.
Please have a look at the attached file.
Br Bertrand
copied down and across.
Note: You have Eric(Erik) spelled 2 different ways....
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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Unfortunately i get a formula error message.
Please view attached jpeg.
Use this formula in F4 =IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$4:$A$9=F$3)*($B$4:$B$9=$E4)*($C$4:$C$9="Passed"))=1,"Yes","No")
As previous poster noted, Eric will not work since it's spelled differently
thank you but still have some problems with the formula.
I'm not sure why...both formulas that NBVC and I presented should have worked.
I've attached the file I did the formula in
Strange... your file works, thank for the assistance!
It is probably because your excel version uses semi colons as argument separators instead of commas.
If I want to find $A$4:$A$9 in another sheet with name "matrix data", How do I add this to the formula?
find the attachemnt
and U can add multiple conditions.
Okey, I have made it a little more difficult.
Please view attached file
adjust ranges to suit and copy down and to next column(s).... note the last condition range is offset to the right by 1 column....
replace commas with semi-colons if needed in your version.
Note: Also Sumproduct is not the most efficient method for ranges so large. If you can add a column that identifies which header in the Data sheet the information is in, then you can use COUNTIFS which is much more efficient. See attached columns A, F and G in the Matis sheet.
In F4, formula is:
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