I am working in a workbook, and I would like to have information in one cell of 'tab 1' to be in the cell in 'tab 2'. When I put an = sign in the cell and click on the other tab, then the desired cell, I get this result, "'='Program Budgets'!C21" instead of the actual text in the other tab. It also happens when I do it within the same tab, but then it just says, "=C16" instead of the value in the cell.
Does anyone know why this is happening, I have asked several others, and no one can figure it out. Images are attached for both cases. I could not replicate this error in another workbook, so I couldn't post an example.
ALSO - It just started giving me an error messsage. (image also attached)Capture Error.JPG
Thank you.
Capture (v1).JPGCapture of error (V2).JPG