Good morning,
I have searched Google for last few hours and found no solution for this problem.
I have a workbook which has two sheets: Dashboard and Data Sheet
Data Sheet is a big list of information and Dashboard presents the information nicely into charts, graphs etc. In the data sheet, the user adds new records to the top of the sheet. one of the columns is called type of incident of which there are 5 different values and is input through a dropdown box.
On the dashboard, I want to show the number of each incident so I have this:
=COUNTIF('Data Sheet'!$V$12:$V$13,F35)
V is the datasheet column that holds the user input for type of incident and F35 is a text field with one of the names of the incidents.
This works fine and pulls of the results as expected, the problem lies when adding a new row to the top of the datasheet, the formula above will change to
=COUNTIF('Data Sheet'!$V$13:$V$14,F35)
note that V12 has changed to V13.
I need V12 to stay as V12 so the formula always uses that as the first value in the range so am using indirect. I have tried the following:
=COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'Data Sheet'!$V$12"):$V$13,F35)
I can get the forumula to work if I create it in the data sheet and just refer to the results in the dashboard but i really want the calculation to be done in the dashboard
Can anyone offer any help?