Dear Gurus,
How do I put subtotals in column K at each change of customer code?
Thank you!
I am working in 2003 and attached the spreadsheet in question.
Dear Gurus,
How do I put subtotals in column K at each change of customer code?
Thank you!
I am working in 2003 and attached the spreadsheet in question.
One way is to put the following in K2:
=SUMIF($A$2:$A$36,A2,$J$2:$J$36) and copy down
S?ren Larsen
"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give a man a fishing rod, and he'll steal your yacht!"
It should work... have a look at the attached:
See attached the pivot table with the amount in the sum value
Parameters of Cust_Code > Layout and printing > Show items in outline form
Activate the check box : Display labels next field in the same column and Display subtotals above each group
Hope this helps and work for Execl 2003
Best regards
In that case, you can change the code to:
=IF(A2<>A3;SUMIF($A$2:$A$36,A2,$J$2:$J$36) ,"")
But then your codes have to be sorted consecutively.
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