Hi all,
I tried finding the forums for this particular kind of questions raised but could not find much useful answers.
Here's what I am trying to accomplish:
I have 12 different workbooks which have identical worksheet structure and cell structure. Basically these are financials of 12 different properties and all have a sheet in them called "cashflows". For now, let's call them Workbook 1 through Workbook 12. Let's assume cell D5 of each of these workbook's sheet called "cashflows" contains the Total Revenue number for the month of Mar 2012.
I've been tasked to create a summary workbook where the D5 cell of the "cashflow" sheet of the summary workbook would basically add the contents of the D5 cell of the cashflow sheet of each of the 12 workbooks. Which is very easy to do right! Just open all 12 and point them manually. Well!!
Here's the TWIST -
I need to create an additional sheet in this summary workbook which would give me flexibility to decide which of the workbooks gets included in this exercise. So for instance if my boss says exclude properties 3,7 and 8 from the summation in the summary (portfolio) workbook, I would like to change the value of a cell from "1" to "0" and make this happen.
Can someone please provide some guidance on what my approach should be? Any guidance is greatly appreciated!!
Thank you!