Hi. I need some help to get a nifty solution to this problem.
I have a file with x number of people. lets say 500.
I have cleaned the file up, its adresses hobbys and so on.
Now to the tricky part.
I need to in groups of 6 add names (or in this case images but thats not important) to a placement card.
so lets say i have something that looks like this.
Now i want these names or images in this case to work like the following. card 1 (hakanF) should have pictures of the other 5 people at the table. Card 2 should have pictures of the other 5 and so on.
So the table should look something like this (first name being the owner of that placement card)
HakanF - AndersJ - SteveS - JohnD - Drcox - KelsoS
AndersJ - SteveS - JohnD - DrCox - KelsoS - HakanF
SteveS - JohnD - DrCox -KelsoS - HakanF - Anders J
Now making this is not a problem if i should do it by hand but i need to automate this cause it could just as well be 5000 people.
The real problem is the groups of 6 outta 500.
Lets say i have the first row of names in column A (all 500).