
Hoping someone can help.

I need to work out the qty of orders against an order number on a certain date.

Thing is I have 2 sheets with a HUGE amount of data on it, Book 2 has a list of order numbers and the date it was ordered, Book 3 has ALL orders with date and qty.

Is there a way to do the following:
From Book 2 column E, find these customer numbers from Book 3 column M - first criteria
From Book 2 column A, find these dates from Book 3 column F - second criteria
Find a resullt for how many qty ordered on that day with that customer number from Book 3 column P, this result should show in Book 2 column F

Hope that made sense!

Is the above possible? Find all orders placed on a certain date and present the qty ordered.

Thank you

Book 2.xlsBook 3.xls