Having an issue splitting a numbered list into two columns - one with just the numbers, and one with the text. The list looks like this:

1. Header
1.1. Content.
1.1.1. Additional content. Multiple sentences.
1.1.2. Additional content. Multiple sentences.
1.2. Additional content.

I want to have the numbers in one column and all text in the other. If I use "Text to Columns" and select "Delimited", I don't have any options that give me what I want (if I use periods as delimiters, the numbers are separated and each sentence has it's own column; if I use spaces as delimiters, the numbers are together but each word has it's own column). I can come close to what I want by selecting "Fixed Width", but some of the numbers are long enough that if I set a width to the right of the longest number, it cuts off the start of words on other lines.

I'm thinking there's a formula that could do this, but I'm not savvy enough with Excel.

Any ideas?