Sorry I couldn't come up with a better subject line. What I am trying to do is to figure out if there is a keyboard shortcut for the following:

Say my co-workder put 6,582 as the value of cell A1 and then emailed me the spreadshhet. While I am reviewing his work and realize he forgot something and we really need to add an additional 1,265 to this cell for a total value of 7,847.

Right now I edit the cell by adding the equals sign before 6,582, then add a plus sign after it, and then add the 1,265. What I am hoping for is a keyboard shortcut that will automatically add the equals sign before 6,582, so all I have to do is type + 1,265.

I know this sounds pretty trivial, but there are probably 25-30 cells on each worksheet that I need to modify by adding or subtracting multiple values and it would be very helpful for a shortcut that would not only put me in edit mode, but also add the equals sign at the beginning.

Thanks, Spence