
I have a formula that is referencing a cell in another worksheet. When I drag the formula down I don't want the formula to appear in EVERY
row...I want it to leave blank cells in between...see following for specifics:

B5 needs to reference B2 from another worksheet
B7 needs to reference C2 from another worksheet
B9 needs to reference B3 from another worksheet
B11 needs to reference C3 from another worksheet
B13 needs to reference B4 from another worksheet
B15 needs to reference C4 from another worksheet

...and so on...

The other worksheet I'm referencing is called: Fixtures DSR

If I begin by entering the formulae manually like so:

B5='Fixtures DSR'!B2
B7='Fixtures DSR'!C2
B9='Fixtures DSR'!B3
B11='Fixtures DSR'!C3

...and then highlight range B5:12 and drag (copy) down, I get:

B13='Fixtures DSR'!B10
B15=='Fixtures DSR'!C10

What I want is:

B13='Fixtures DSR'!B4
B15=='Fixtures DSR'!C4

I need to drag this down down nearly 400 rows so doing it manually isn't an option.

Appreciate any advice. Please help!