Hello. This is the formula I'm using:
It's a bunch of COUNTIFS (it goes up to A107).
This counts the entries in column L that contain WORKINPROGRESS, and entries in column F that contain the contents of cell B2 (which is a date), and then the entries in column I that contains "NameA", "NameB", "NameC",...
Count everything that has column L = WORKINPROGRESS, column F = 8-Apr-2012, column I = David AND
Count everything that has column L = WORKINPROGRESS, column F = 8-Apr-2012, column I = John AND.... and so one.
My formula is just a COUNTIFS for each of my above "criteria". The list of names are in cells A84 to A107. My issue is that this list of names is growing, so each time a name is added, I have to edit the formula to add another COUNTIFS at the end. And it's not just one formula, there are about 20 other formulas that, for example, count column L = CLOSED instead.
So is there a way to simplify this?