I need to mark Y/N in column G if the text from column A appears in column C of another page. What is the best way to do this?
I need to mark Y/N in column G if the text from column A appears in column C of another page. What is the best way to do this?
can you upload a sample file
I hope that attachment worked. Basically, column 1 on page 1 shows a list of POs. The second page shows from that list, what has shipped. So I need column 2 to say Y if shipped (appears on page 2) or N if not shipped (does not appear on page 2).
Here, try this:
It's a array formula so must be entered by ctrl+shift+enter
Never use Merged Cells in Excel
I'm going to be building on this daily. At the end I will have somewhere around 700 call #'s and the values in page 2 will be pasted from SAP. Is there anyway the Y/N column on page 1 can auto-populate once the values are pasted from SAP on page 2?
You can try this too:
Oh, sorry, I did the opposite way:
Try this in A2:
=IF(COUNTIF(Sheet2!$A$1:$A$10000,A2)>0, "Y","N")
That worked..thanks!!
Great! Thanks for your feedback...
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Thanks once again..
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