hi guys,
I am an average excel user and just needed some help with pivot tables.
Attached is a sample workbook with two sheets. The following describes this sample:
Sheet 1 - 5 columns (Store #, Street, City, State, Zip, Qty.) and like 50 rows of fake information
Sheet 2 - Pivot table where i used the columns Store #, Street, City, State, and Zip as row labels and then i put qty in values.
This almost had the right look; however, i wish i could change just a couple things.
A) As it is now, the sum of qty column lists the qty next to every row label, which looks a bit confusing. Is there a way i could have it so that just the first row label (in this case store #) is the only one that shows the value in the sum of qty column.
B) Also, and this is not quite as important because if part A is answered, i can figure this part out myself. But, is there a way to put the Street, City, State and Zip columns from sheet one together into one row label in the pivot table?
ideally id have this in my pivot table:
Row Label_____________________________Sum of qty
7 _______________________________________1
___1 abc road, generic town, NY, 55555
___2 abc road, generic town, NY, 55555
___3 abc road, generic town, NY, 55555
GRAND TOTAL]___________________________[6
Any help would be greatly appreciated.