Lets say Rows 7:59 are hidden on sheet X. Sheet X is a protected sheet because it is full of crazy formulas. All of the Data from Sheet X is pulled from Sheet Y. I need Rows 7:59 on Sheet X, to unhide depending on whether or not data is entered into Rows 7:59 on Sheet Y. For instance if Nothing is in Rows 7:59 on Sheet Y, then Rows 7:59 on Sheet X remain hidden. However If Enter Data into Sheet Y A7:8, I need Rows 7 and 8 on Sheet X to unhide automatically, but Rows 9:59 to remain hidden. I am using Excel 2008 for Mac, and from my understanding It doesnt support VBA, or the ability to use Macros, which may be the same thing, I don't know. Im not very versed when it comes to either one of those things. It would be very similar to an auto filter on Sheet X, except on a protected sheet in this version of Excel I havent found a way to allow autofiltering. There has to be a way to do this. Please Help