i am trying to find solution to generate a text (not list of column values) from all columns(starting from n) of row, which fulfills some criteria defined in other columns.See example.
One row contatins data (Attribute) like payment, registration....., which can be extended or deleted.
Other Rows contains value 1 or 0 in same column of attribute.
Now i would like to display all attributes having 1 in other column. I have one formula but which is column specific like IF(C39=1;C3 & ",";"") & IF(D39=1;D3 & ",";"")..., so if i delete or add column i have to change
it. I would like to have dynamic formula, which works without changing it for n columns.
Service attributes
payment registration pass. reset cloud marketing advertisement SSO
Must 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Should 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
Optional 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Must payment,registration,pass. reset,advertisement
Should payment,clould,marketing
Optional SSO, cloud
Any Help or tipps appreciated.