-Sorry if this has been covered, I've been all over this forum & Google reading and I can't find this particular scenario. If what I am trying to accomplish has been explained in several steps I can definitely follow a few unrelated guides and piece them together.
1 Spreadsheet with entire building roster
1 Spreadsheet with list of people in building who have completed a training.
The Roster sheet has the names listed as "Doe, John"
The Training sheet has the names listed in multiple Cells: Doe John
I copied the data from each sheet into one file, and then used Text to Columns from the Data menu (with a comma delimiter) to separate the Roster names into different cells. The Training columns are significantly shorter than the Roster columns, and John Doe in the Roster column does not appear next to John Doe in the Training column.
So I now effectively have a total of 4 columns to work with, and around 500 different people in the full Roster (all sorted A-Z by last name). I would like to highlight a person's name if their name appears in both sets of columns one color, and a different color if their name does not appear in the Training column and only appears in the Roster column. If this can me more easily accomplished with the names in the "Doe, John" format I can recombine all the names.
If sample code is needed I have an example ready.