
My Excel spreadsheet is lagging and I'm trying to figure out what I can do to speed it up. I'm running the 2007 version. Here are the basics:

1. No VBA
2. Excel is using about 8K - 34K of memory, not that much. And, my CPU I'm using anywhere between 4% and 20% of RAM.
3. The file size is 335KB
4. I am using a total of ~12100 cells across 5 tabs.
5. Of those 12100, about 35% contains dense code.
6. There are a lot of moving parts.
7. There are two very large charts, and 8 small charts in the whole workbook.

This is what I tried:
1. Closing all other applications.
2. Deleted All Charts
3. Used xlsclean to remove unneeded conditional formats. That shaved off 1 KB from the file size.
4. Turned off Automatic Calculations.

I've created other dense spreadsheets before that hit the 64 embedded IFs limit and the ~5600 unique cell format limit, and have had issues with the spreadsheet uploading slow. But, when the file finished rendering, the spreadsheet ran smoothly with zero lag.

I don't know what else to do, other then figure out ways to refactor my code. Does anybody have any suggestions?
