Locating information on 1 spreadsheet and then exporting it to another work sheet, not sure if this is possible.
Right another department have changed the way they produce the information and now this means I either have to look through all 157 names and duties to see who is on when my section is on and manually add to an Excel spreadsheet. Or look on another system and look in at least 3 places to find the information to then manually add to an Excel spreadsheet.
It has now been made possible I can get the data and paste into Excel from the first method.
Now my question is.
If My section 3 is on duty 0700-1700 hrs and I want to see which of the part-timers or support people are also on duty. Is there a way to
1. locate my section (on the department duty sheet) and extract that onto another spreadsheet Daily duty sheet)?
2. put them into skill order ie calltaker or controller?
3. locate any part-time support people on duty between that time also (on the department duty sheet) and extract that onto another spreadsheet Daily duty sheet)?
4. put them into the same skill order?
This would then give me my daily sheet of about 15-20 out of the 150ish available. Hope above makes sense. I have had a try with vlookup etc and was not able to get it to work. Any help welcome
I have attatched how the data imports and named the 2 worksheets as above.
Thanks for reading!!!