Hi there!
I'm making a spreadsheet for a card room, and I'm having some trouble figuring out how to format some of the functions.

I'd imagine this is quite simple, but I'm new to excel.
There are a few things I'm trying to figure out, but I think it's a solve one solve all kind of thing.

On the right hand side, I want a global stats tracker for each game type, and some combined totals.
Here's a screenshot of what I have so far, and some badly drawn circles to illustrate what I'm trying to say:Excelhelp.jpg

All games with the limit 1e/2e should have their total (E21, for 1st of jan) added to S13
Games of 2e/4e should have their total added to S14, and so on.

I'm trying to figure out how to specify the totals for different games, how to distinguish the total for the 1e/2e game on the first of jan from the 2e/4e on the second, and add them accordingly

Then I want to add the total money on the table (Fig. 2, cell C6,) to the total in S4 regardless of game type, be it 10c/20c or 5e/10e.

Of course I can do some sort of annoying autosum hold ctrl thing, but I want to be able to scale this for all 365(6) days of the year.

If you can show me how to do this, I'll just replicate it to fit the other areas of the stats tracker.

Any help would be much, much, MUCH! Appreciated! :-D

All the best,