I have a database of the following:
Store Numbers: A
Name: B
Title: C
I would like the information to pull from the database into a form that first locates the store number then returns the information with the highest title first and so on and so on. The title are GM, RM, SS in that order. There can be multiple GM and SS and RM at any store.
So it would go:
Store Title Name
607 GM Smith, Janet
607 RM Robles, Charles
607 SS Smith, John
Store Title Name
627 GM Durna, Craig
627 RM Cooper, Karla
627 RM Michaels, Sarah
I have an Index formula: IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:$E$5,MATCH($G$1,$A$2:$A$300,0)+1,2),"") That works okay to return the first name if the database is sorted in order of title and name first but it does not if there are more than one store number or they are sorted out of order.
I searched for something similar and did not find it in the database.
Thank you in advance for your time.