I have a long list of prices all with different last 2 digits (the cents value) and I would like to assign all numbers with the last 2 digits within a certain range a new last 2 digits value
For example, I would like to assign all numbers in the group 2.19, 17.13, 28.04, 21.27 to all finish with the last 2 digits .29 so the result would be 2.19 becomes 2.29, 17.13 becomes 17.29, 28.04 becomes 28.29 and 21.27 becomes 21.29
At the same time, in the same price list I have a bunch of values that end between .30 and .49 and I would like to assign all of these to end in .49, so 2.34 becomes 2.49 and 76.44 becomes 76.49, etc
Essentially I think I want to group prices in a range (based on the last two digits) and then assign a new set of last two digits to all prices in that set? Does anyone know of a way to do this in Excel or VBA?