Hi all
First time on here and I really hope someone can help me out!
I am putting together a spreadsheet that will be filled in on a daily basis. Roughly speaking, this spreadsheet is used to track the number of processes my team get through on a daily basis. For trend analysis purposes, each day's data needs to be stored.
At present, I have a worksheet which tracks the number of processes each hour of each day (called Tracker). It is linked to an overview sheet (called Overview) which has all of the raw data in it. I enter the date on this Overview sheet, and the data is then pulled through to the relevant place in the Tracker sheet by using the IF formula to determine the active day. The formula looks like this:
So, basically if the date (cell E1) is 01/01/2012 (40909 in Excel lingo), then this particular cell pulls through the value from K8. If the date does not match 40909, the cell is blank ("").
This formula works great for this purpose. But when it comes to the end of the day, I need to manually overtype that day's numbers so that they do not revert back to blank cells when I change the date in the Overview sheet. This is where (hopefully) someone comes to my rescue:
Is there a way - either with a formula, C&P function, or a macro - to automatically copy and paste values ONLY where a value is present in a cell? All of the blank cells with formulas in need to stay as they are. This would save quite a bit of time on a daily basis if this can be done automatically.
Any and all help would be much appreciated! I haven't attached the spreadsheet because it does have some delicate information, but if it would help to make my question clearer I could have a play around and extract some of the data.
Many Thanks