Dear Friends,
Please open attached Excel File, in that…
Sheet 1(Inventory):- Each Item, How much we are getting and when we are getting those details is been updated.
Shee2 (Construction):- this is my working file. Herein,
1. From A1:G7, I have each product week wise demand details.
2. From A9:G32, I have Item details along with how many per it is getting used in each product.
3. From I9:M32, I have created week wise component level demand by using SUMPRODUCT (Item How Many per, Respective Week Demand) Formula.
4. From O9:S32, I have created week wise shortages. “Note: This shortage is week on week cumulative Shortages”.
5. From U9:Y32, I need the output like, by when we are getting (Input to be taken from Inventory Sheet) full qty to satisfy that particular week shortages.
Item 1, Week 1 Shortage (Cell O10) is -360# and if we check Inventory details, to fulfill 360# of shortage, last qty we are getting by 29 Mar. So U10 Cell I need the output 29 Mar. In the same way I need to update all cells from U9:Y32.
Kindly make a note; I would like to get this output with normal formula & functions not with VBA or Macros.
Thanks & Regards,
Rajeshkumar R