
I have a spreadsheet keeping track of inspection dates for a large quanitity of personal protective equipment (PPE) with each piece of PPE having it's own sheet containing all the details on all the inspections and then a sheet which is a summary of all pieces of PPE to make it easier to see which are in/out of date and need inspections.

All the different sheets have long winded names to identify which piece of PPE they refer to, and when referencing cells within sheets it is becoming a pain to type 'reallylongwindedname'.$B$1 each time and would much rather refer to them as 'sheet1'.$B$1. is this possible?

Would I then be able to drag them into a sequential list? I don't really know how to explain. Say if you have a column where A1=1, A2=2, A3=3 and you drag the bottom right hand corner 4,5,6,7,8 and so on is automatically inserted further down the column. I would like to achieve the same with referencing sheets. So I could type 'sheet1'.$B$1 in cell A1 and then drag downwards so that subsequent cells then read 'sheet2'.$B$1, 'sheet3'.$B$1, 'sheet4'.$B$1 and so on. Does this make sense? Is it possible?

Many thanks in advance.