This is the formula I'm using now, if I have a positive number I want it to show up, if the number is negative, I don't want it to show up. Is this possible?
This is the formula I'm using now, if I have a positive number I want it to show up, if the number is negative, I don't want it to show up. Is this possible?
You can use an IF statement to return a blank, or Coditional Formatting to hide negative amounts.
Hope that helps.
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Thanks that works perfectly. I am now running into an issue in where I tried to make it so that it won't show up if no date it there, and I get an -40981. I tried to fix it by:
Now I get an error, I really need to take an excel course again.
Last edited by Cyberpawz; 03-13-2012 at 08:57 AM.
This may be shorter a bit:
Quang PT
Give a try to this.
Hope to helps you.
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From your post N0#4....it won't show up if no date it there, and I get an -40981.
If there is no date, Where? In which cell?
As you can understand, for all of us is very difficult, because we don't have a workbook to test our suggestions!
Try this formula
format formula cell as general
Audere est facere
Ok, I got this going well so far, but I am running into an issue. I have placed some conditional formatting using the equation, I am curious is there a way to make conditional formatting work so it only shows a specific word or icon if the condition is 0?
I've looked around and so far I see >= but that is it, no =.
Here is the sheet so far.
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