Hi there
I was wondering if someone could help.
I have a spreadsheet where I would put in resource name, start date, end date. Based on start date and end date I would like a formula to populate the date in row 1 of each corresponding column>
Spreadsheet Setup (attached)
Std Hours > 24 40 40
St Week> 2/1/2012 2/5/2012 2/12/2012
En Week> 2/4/2012 2/11/2012 2/18/2012
Name Start End Std Hrs
Person A 2/1/2012 1/31/2013 40 24 40 40
Person B 2/1/2012 2/18/2012 20 12 20 20
Does anybody know how I could achieve this / if it is even possible?
Thank you in advance