I have a large list of names in column A (starting A3), this has a number of blanks then a different name, more blanks another name. In B I have a list with numbers and text- each time a number appears in B I would like the blanks in A to be populated with the last name in row A, non number cells should return a blank. Have tried a number of if statements, isnumber, back filling blanks with control G etc but none I can see that will be dynamic enough to return the last name in row A which will keep changing. Sorry I can post a wb right now as will set off all sorts of alarm bells in work, let me know if I haven’t been clear enough – thanks Noel
A B result
xxx xxx xxx
???? abc
???? 123 xxx
???? 123 xxx
???? efg
yyy yyy yyy
???? 123 yyy
???? 123 yyy
???? bcd
zzz cde zzz
???? 123 zzz