I have a table, in column is date and in row is names.

I need to put in table what is that person done on that date.
Becuse is table to big and I need to input data retroactive I want to create input from one cell.

Thats mean I will have two drop list, one drop list is date for example from 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2011 and second drop list is names of peoples.
So I want to select in first drop list for exmple date 05.06.2011 and from drop list of names for example John, and then in third cell put data what was John doing on that date and when I press enter I wold like that date fill the cell in table(in first sheet).
I have uploaded an example of that file.

Anyone can help with that?

And another question, I have a large file list in one folder and I need to all that files create hyperlink in sheet on the way that I dont need to write names of that files but do all that(put names in cells and hyperlinks) with "one click"?

I would apreciate help....Example.xls