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COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates

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  1. #1
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    COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates

    Hi all,

    I have been for a long time trying to fix a tricky issue without any solution . I have applied a series of array formulas without success.

    I have the column B (B2:B300000), Name: Month, Format: mmm-yy (This is the column with the Months)
    I have the Column I (I2:I300000), Name: Type, Format: It includes both text and numbers. (This is the column with the types)
    I have the Column T (T2:T300000), Name: Names, Format: Only characters. (This is the column with the names)
    I have the Column H (H2:H300000), Name: Date happened, Format: dd/mm/yyyy. (This is the Column with the dates happened each type in Column I)

    I have a reference cell: B16 --> This is the reference for the Month (its format is: mmm-yy)
    I have a reference cell: A17 --> This is the reference cell for the Name (its format is: only characters)

    I want to create a function (I do not know whether COUNTIFS, SUMIF, COUNT is best) where:

    For the reference name and the reference month, to count the monthly unique number of types BASED ON the Dates happened (of the month in the reference cell).

    For instnace, in date happened I may have lets say 33 types where some of them are duplicates. So, the formula should compute the unique values of

    Here is a small example of my tricky intro:

    The raw data are below:

    name_column// date_happened// type_column//
    NAME, 03/06/2009, LA
    03/06/2009 LA
    05/06/2009 LA1
    11/06/2009 LA
    13/06/2009 LA
    13/06/2009 LA
    13/06/2009 LA
    16/06/2009 LA
    17/06/2009 LAN
    18/06/2009 LA
    18/06/2009 LA
    19/06/2009 LA1
    20/06/2009 LAA
    20/06/2009 LAT1
    20/06/2009 LAA
    24/06/2009 LA
    24/06/2009 LAT
    25/06/2009 LA
    26/06/2009 LA
    26/06/2009 LAA
    27/06/2009 LAK
    31/06/2009 LA

    (the column here has only }
    the unique values of types) } The unique number I want to get from the formula is 18 for the Month: Jun-09 (Ref. Cell B16)

    name_column// date_happened// type_column//
    NAME, 03/06/2009, LA
    05/06/2009 LA1
    11/06/2009 LA
    13/06/2009 LA
    16/06/2009 LA
    17/06/2009 LAN
    18/06/2009 LA
    19/06/2009 LA1
    20/06/2009 LAA
    20/06/2009 LAT1
    24/06/2009 LA
    24/06/2009 LAT
    25/06/2009 LA
    26/06/2009 LA
    26/06/2009 LAA
    27/06/2009 LAK
    31/06/2009 LA
    31/06/2009 LAT

    Any help, would be very appreciated. Thank you very much
    Last edited by dim06; 02-27-2012 at 09:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates


    1)Instead of trying to explain all these, would you like to upload a sample workbook?

    2) Your profile says that you use Excel 2003. So Excel 2003 with COUNTIFS...??


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  3. #3
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    Re: COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates

    Hi Foti, thank you very much for your reply. I corrected my Excel Version, is 2010. Please find attached a sample of the issue I am describing above. Thank you deeply for any effort.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates


    Sorry...but i don't understand...! Isn't number 18, the corect result in this case??

  5. #5
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    Re: COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates

    It is, if you count the number of all the unique types for all the dates which belong to the reference month, you will get 18. In G2, I have how you get the number 18. This is the formula I am trying to get, but without success. Thank you very much.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates

    Still, i am not sure for your request....!

    Maybe, something like this?


  7. #7
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    Re: COUNTIFS FOR Unique Values based on Months while reading from dates

    For every date_happened, I want to get the unique number of types and in the same formula sum all these unique values for the whole month which includes all the dates_happened. I dont have reference for the type. It can be anything in my dataset. Thanks a lot

    Probably is a combination of SUMPRODUCT and COUNTA but I cant make it.

    I am trying to build a formula like this:

    =IF(A17='RAW Data'!$T$2:$T$300000,IF('RAW Data'!$B$2:$C$300000=$B$16,(SUMPRODUCT(MONTH('RAW Data'!H2:H300000)=MONTH(B16))*COUNTA('RAW Data'!I2:I3000000))))

    but I dont know how to have unique values in the part of Counta..any help?
    Last edited by dim06; 02-27-2012 at 12:52 PM.

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