Hello everybody,

In our company we currently have the following problem. We are active in different cities across the Netherlands. Each city has its own managementreport which is uploaded as an Excel-file on a sharepoint website. Last year we growed exponentially so we currently have 20 active cities and thus 20 excel files as well.

This means (unfortunately) that i have to check all 20 files to see how we are doing. This is rather time consuming. I am looking for a way to create one single additional Excel file which summarizes the content of these 20 files. Normally, if the 20 other files would be on my own computer, this wouldnt be a problem. I would just add formulas in the MasterFile like: =[verwijzingen.xlsx]Blad1!$A$2.

However, i dont know how i can point to an Excel file on a sharepoint location. I tried things like =[http://intranet.ourwebsite.nl/folder/filename.xls]Blad1!A$2$ but this doesnt work.

Does anyone have a suggestion how i should proceed in this scenario? The location of the new Master File can be both on my local PC or on the sharepoint site, whatever is most convenient.

Thank you very much in advance.