Hey guys, your forum has been an amazing help to me in the past and today i finallly decided to join.
I have an issue with SumIf. I know how to use it based on one condition and even based on two numerical conditionals, however i can not for the life of me get it to work based on a description and a date, see below. The data is a list of account transactions over the past 6 years and i dont want to have to manually add the cells up i need. What i am looking for is the total of col C, when Col A less than 31Jan 2012 and col B has the decription PP P & F LAZARUS.
Col A: Dates
Col B: Descriptions
Col C: Values
Would also be terrific if you could help with a date range as well. Something like add Col C when date is between 1.01.11 and 01.01.12 with the description.
I really hope this all make sense and that someone is able to assit. This has been driving me crazy!!