So after some searching I found most of what I needed to extract the value(s) I need out of an array in my workbook. I found this link very helpful and comprehensive...

In the document it describes the basic array formula I need, as well as 2 others to handle blanks and N/A's.

Here are the 3:

This is the basic string, entered as an array formula

=IF(ISNA(INDEX(List, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1, List), 0))), "", INDEX(List, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($B$1:B1, List), 0)))
This eliminates the N/A's in Excel 2003 which I am using

This handles blank cells in my named range, which there will always be

=INDEX(List,MATCH(0,(List="")+COUNTIF($B$1:B1,List)),0)) + CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
This is another version of the same basic formula another user submitted

I am having trouble, however, nesting the 'blanks' formula and the 'n/a' formula together. All formulas work well on their own, but not together. Any suggestions?