Hey newbie here.
I am working on random phrase generator at the moment and i need a little help.
At the moment i have been using the formula ' =INDIRECT("A"&RANDBETWEEN(1,10))&" "&INDIRECT("B"&RANDBETWEEN(1,10))&" "INDIRECT("C"&RANDBETWEEN(1,10))&""
so in A1-A10 i would have names like Jack, John, Joe, etc
in B1-B10 i would have words like runs,walks,crawls,jogs
in C1-C10 i would have words like quickly, slowly, fast etc
At the moment they are all in the same spread sheet and takes up a lot of room and creates clutter
I wanted to create new sheets so 1 sheet is specifically for the words in A, one for the words in B and so on so forth
Can anyone help me in being able to have the formula on the first sheet by itself and all the other data in seperate sheets?
Ive been searching on how to do it but its all like a foreign language to me. So far i figured it would be like =sheet2! INDIRECT("A"&RANDBETWEEN(1,10))&" "sheet3! INDIRECT("A"&RANDBETWEEN(1,10))&" etc
so at later time i could add more words to each one