The below was solved.
Now that I have solved the checks portion, I am now looking to solve another complex piece. I am trying to do a COUNT formula for the checks.
Here is what I am trying to accomplish, I would like to COUNT all words that say CHECKS in column K that also fall within the month (i.e. Jan) in column A.
If anyone else can help, it would be very appreciated.
The solving piece to the puzzle below was
=SUMPRODUCT(IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Nov",'Sheet1 Statement'!A9:A1030)),0,1)*IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("CHECK",'Sheet1 Statement'!K9:K1030)),0,1)*('Sheet1 Statement'!D9:D1030))
Thanks again!
*Original Post*
Good day,
I am fairly good with basic Excel code but have come across a little issue when trying to come up with a formula which will work.
I am trying to create an analysis of a bank statement. I have succeeded in getting much of the information I need, with a little work around, but I would like to reach out for some help.
There are a total of 5 “Sheets” which I will be manipulating in order to achieve this.
“Sheet1” is a copy of the bank statement
“Sheet2” will house all the finished data
“Sheet3” will be used for month 1 (if needed)
“Sheet4” will be used for month 2 (if needed)
“Sheet5” will be used for month 3 (if needed)
I want Excel to sort the data by month to include: credits, debits, number of checks, and total checks cashed.
So far, I have been able to use the formula in ‘Sheet2’ final data
=SUMIF(‘Sheet1’!A9:A1000, “*NOV*”, ‘Sheet1’!C9:C1000) to calculate each months credits and debits
Throughout this process I will be using rows 9-1000. The columns needed are as follows
Using a formula, I would like to do one of two things:
First, I would like a formula that reads is the SUM (Amount in column D) that (contains the partial word “*JAN*” from column A) AND (contains the partial word “*CHECK*” from column K).
I want Excel to look for all the data that says January AND Check and populate a SUM of the data in column C which is correlated with both columns A (Date) and K (Description).
Or Second, I have seen that it is hard to do 2 conditional statements so I would be willing to try a MACRO that would do the following:
I want a MACRO that says copy all rows that contain the partial text “*JAN*” and copy them to ‘Sheet3’
Copy all rows that contain the partial text “*FEB*” and copy them to ‘Sheet4’
Copy all rows that contain the partial text “*MAR*” and copy them to ‘Sheet5’
It does not matter where, on the ‘Sheet#’, they end up, but preferable start at A1
Since I am unfamiliar with MACROs, I would like a good description on how and where to past the code in the editor.
I appreciate you time and consideration in helping me out.
Sample Data
A: January,12, 2012
C: $600.00
D: $250.00