Hi all
Im new here hope you can all help me.
When each person completed the questionnaite they supplied their job title and there location of work.
I have been given the task of creating a spreadsheet in Excel 2007 which needs to contain results from a questionnaire. However the questionnaire didn't have specific answers everyone has put different. I have been asked to do the following collate the info into a spreadsheet for further analysis; put the questions across the top, and the project names/roles/ref nr* down the side so that you can enter the answers into a matrix that we can sort/review etc.
So i have put the questions along the top, then it states to put the job title and location down the side and enter the info in a matrix? what does this mean???
Here is what i have done so far with the questions along the top.
Understanding How We Do Business 1.xlsx
Any suggestions would be of help.
Many thanks