Hi my first time here but I have used this site for lots of help in the past. I normally use Excel 2007 and I have a spreadsheet for use by several other agencies who only have 2003. This means my countifs are not applicable. I have looked at sumproducts and understand the concept. What I need help with is a formula for the following:
Column A are date formats (to record meeting dates), Column B is a drop down list of outcomes (Yes, No, No reply). I need to record the number of times each month that yes, no and no reply where recorded. It is the greater than, less than part of the formula that I cannot get. i.e. how many times from 01/01/12 to 31/01/12 was "yes" recorded. Am I right in saying I cannot use sumproduct because I am asking for 2 conditions from the same array i.e. date? Thanks for any help.
The formula I was using was
Thanks for any help given. PS I originally posted this under a resolved thread - apologies