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Excel 2008 : can not make a graph with second X-axis

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Chicago, IL
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2008 MAC

    can not make a graph with second X-axis

    I hope someone can help. I am trying to plot data on a graph with two x-axis and one y axis. That appears to be possible because there is an icon for it on the formatting pallet under chart options. At first the icon was blanked out so I could not click on it, but I was able to get it as an option by adding a second y axis (that is okay, I can deal that), but when I click the icon, the graph simply deletes the second y-axis or adds the second y-axis and never does anything to the x-axis at all.

    I tried updating my software, but that didn't help.

    Any ideas? I tried manually adding it, but it took hours of work and I have numerous graphs to do.

    I appreciate your help!!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    2002/XP and 2007

    Re: can not make a graph with second X-axis

    I don't know if the type of chart matters. I work almost exclusively with scatter plots. When I want two x-axes in a scatter plot, I have to plot at least two series -- one on the main axis and a 2nd series on the secondary axis (in my older version this is controlled in the format data series dialog). If I only have one series, this means I either need to plot the series twice, or plot a second dummy series that gets hidden. Once I have activated the secondary y-axis, I can then go into the chart options dialog and activate the secondary x-axis.

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