Have searched the boards and can't find this exact scenario, although odd, I imagine its quite common.


Item Cost Return Value
Car 100 A
Car 200 B
Car 300 C
Bus 100 D
Bus 200 E
Bus 300 F
Train 100 G
Train 200 H
Train 300 I

I need to search the table above to match two items: Item and Cost to return the 3rd column.
Column1 needs to be an exact match, but column2 needs to be a closest match that is less than or equal to the value requested.

Car 350 should return C
Train 133 should return G

I've only seen solutions to the effect of an array formula index(match( concatenating the two ranges and then using a closest match but that doesn't work as this isn't an ordered list by any means.

Please, does anyone have any suggestions? I've been stuck for hours.... Thank you in advance!

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