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AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

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  1. #1
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    AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    Hey all, basically I work in a school and have a massive list (some 1200 pupils) of grades (over 35 each) in an excel 2010 workbook.
    For each grade, we have a lookup table returning a value for the grade, so we can work with the numbers in the sheet and generate reports.
    ie, A = 52, B = 46, and so on.
    Now what I need is the Average number for entire classes but I have hit a wall.

    I have obviously used =AVERAGE(N5:N250) and half the time it works, but often it brings up a #N/A because a grade isn't present somewhere in the list of students. Because not every student gets a result grade in every subject.

    Is there any average formula's i can use, that will bypass the N/A's and just count the number values being returned from my lookup table?

    Currently its a case of copy/paste just the values into new columns or manually deleting the lookup formula from cells next to a no grade entry, but as I'm sure you can imagine, for all those students and all those classes its highly time consuming.

    Any help would be massively appreciated :D
    Last edited by PhoenixJR; 01-24-2012 at 05:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    So do you have #N/A results in the N5:N250 range that is causing the Average formula to give you #N/A error? Text and blanks in that range will be ignored by AVERAGE()....
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.


    You need a simple IF test in your formula that is looking up the grade.
    For example in the Grade letter is in column B, then use something like
    Roger Govier
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    Sorry if I didn't make myself entirely clear.

    @NBVC I currently have the standard AVERAGE(), and yes there are #N/A errors in that column. But whenever one appears it always returns an #N/A error on the average. So I presumed I needed something to tell it to ignore the #N/A's or something...

    Is it not ignoring them because its a formula return/answer? =VLOOKUP(O20,GHOST!$I$2:$J$17,2,FALSE) to be precise.

    @Roger the column i need it pulling from is the numerical value we have given to each grade. So literally everything in the column i need the average of is a number... UNLESS the person didnt score a grade in which case the formula is returning with an N/A which is where my issue lays.

    I don't suppose there is any way of adding a "blank" value to my lookup table and it return a blank? So the average formula isn't affected that way? Could that be another way round the issue>

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.


    Let me give you another option...

    Let's say that you data(with #NA, values, are in A1:A18)

    Then to avoid the #NA result, use not AVERAGE function but SUMIF with COUNTIF..

    So in an empty cell, try this.


    Hope to helps you.


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  6. #6
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    Hmmmm It could be me being a noob but I cannot get that one working at all

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    Take a look to the sample..
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  8. #8
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fotis1991 View Post
    Take a look to the sample..
    Thanks so much man, thats definately working on the sample sheet, I will try to get it working on my pupil master sheet.

    Your help is very much appreciated More than happy to give you rep ^_^

    Cant thank you enough!

  9. #9
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    You are Welcome.

    Really, glad to helped you

    Sometimes, if you can not go staight, tou have to use other ways, to take your result.(Generally in life, not special in Excel)

  10. #10
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    Re: AVERAGE help, using it on formula returns.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fotis1991 View Post
    You are Welcome.

    Really, glad to helped you

    Sometimes, if you can not go staight, tou have to use other ways, to take your result.(Generally in life, not special in Excel)
    Never a truer word spoken, just got it working on my workbook also, thanks again, much appreciated ^_^

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