Ii have a sreadsheet created by someone else to track my sons cub scout badges. There is a summary page that indicates that an award was earned. Once the award is marked as earned, The cell automatically fills with color, indicating the award needs to be presented. Then once the award is presented, the user enters the date it was presented, and the highlight goes away so the cell is white again.
I looked for a formula and for conditional formatting and didn't see anything under those. How can I do this in a workbook I am creating. In figure 2 below row 2 middle cell would have a background color, In figure 1 & 3 the cell would be white (or whatever default color was used for the page.
Figure 1
Award Name Complete/Partial Date Arrow of Light P
Figure 2
Award Name Complete/Partial Date Arrow of Light C
Figure 3
Award Name Complete/Partial Date Arrow of Light C 7/8/12