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Selecting from filter list to generate a total??

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  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Selecting from filter list to generate a total??

    Hello everyone!

    I'm relly sorry if the question I am posting is a trivial one but Excel is like a different language to me and I am trying to blunder through! So my question will probably not even make that much sense.

    So I am trying to make a supply list for my work where I can calculate how much money is needed for supplies. It has all worked so far except for two things.
    1. I would like a drop down menu/filter on only some of my coloumns but can only seem to create them with autofilter which does them on everything. Is there a way around this?
    2. After my grand total I would like to be able to calculate a total from the subtotals that come up with a particular filter. So I would like Auto filters for my SUPPLIER, CATEGORY and FOR coloumns and then be able to pick a filter from all of those combined in a seperate section of my worksheet which would then calculate the total for that filter.

    So in my attached example, I would like to sort how much money I will be spending at muji, so in L5 I would like to be able to select Muji (or a category, or a name from the FOR coloumn) and have the total amount for everything I am buying at Muji displayed in L6.

    Is this possible? Am I being silly and longwinded? Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Supply List.xls

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Re: Selecting from filter list to generate a total??

    no takers?

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